I decided to explore my home city through the eyes of a tourist and photograph locations that appear top of the #Edinburgh Instagram feed. This was really fun and pushed me to view my familiar surroundings with a fresh pair of eyes.
Although these locations are very typical and the standard photos taken in Edinburgh especially when viewing the Edinburgh Instagram feed, there were not my usual go to locations when exploring the city with my camera so I did have to do some repositioning and compositional tweaks so the photo still had my thought process and style attached to them.
I'll definitely do something similar to this again but will take the other extreme and look for those hidden Edinburgh shots.
Below are the photo locations using the website https://www.what3words.com
Scots Monument image 1 - ///senses.scuba.breath
Scots Monument image 2 - ///clap.learn.depend
Bottom of Cockburn Street - ///youth.fuel.boxer
Top of Cockburn Street - ///those.region.boost
Lady Stair Close - ///clash.nets.libraries
Edinburgh Uni - ///places.wage.shade
Circus Lane image 1 - ///studio.blunt.safety
Circus Lane image 2 - ///error.plays.decent
Castle Hill - ///ally.value.glare
Edinburgh Castle - ///drops.shirts.bind
Scots Monument
Lady Stair Close - The Writer’s Museum
Circus Lane 1
Bottom of Cockburn Street
Edinburgh Castle
Top of Cockburn Street
Castle Hill
Circus Lane 2